ii. Refleksi  Pengajaran  Makro

Pada sesi permulaan  pengajaran  guru  terlupa  menulis  hari  dan haribulan  di  papan  putih. Saya mengakui kelemahan  itu.  Walau  bagaimanapun  guru  sempat  bertanya  khabar  dan  murid  dapat respons  dan menjawab  soalan  guru  dengan   baik. Guru  dapat  mengawal  displin  murid  dengan  begitu baik di permulaan pengajaran.

Pada permulaan set induksi guru bertanya kepada semua  murid secara rawak  apakah topik untuk minggu  ini. Murid mangangkat tangan dan memberikan jawapan. Ini menunjukkan murid bersedia  untuk  memulakan sesi pengajaran. Sepatutnya guru memberitahu objektif terlebih dahulu agar murid dapat mengetahui  objektif pelajaran yang perlu dikuasai oleh mereka  untuk hari itu.

Guru  hanya  terus  memberi  fokus  kepada benda yang berada di dalam   tiga  kotak  yang  berada  di  atas meja. Kemudian  guru  bertanya  apakah  proses  recycle  dan  reuse. Guru menunjukkan  beberapa  contoh yang boleh diguna  dan  dikitar  semula. Tidak kesemua murid dapat menjawab soalan yang diberi oleh guru  kecuali kumpulan murid yang berada paling hadapan  dan di sebelah  kiri  kumpulan  hadapan.

Kumpulan di sebelah kanan dan belakang tidak begitu memberikan perhatian  dan  fokus terhadap penerangan yang diberi oleh  guru.Kumpulan  tersebut  merupakan  kumpulan murid galus dan kritikal. Mereka tidak mempunyai  penguasaan yang  baik   dalam  Bahasa Inggeris.Namun begitu terdapat sebilangan  murid  daripada  kumpulan  ini   mengangkat  tangan  untuk  memadankan  gambar  dengan  perkataan.

Guru cuba mencungkil idea murid tentang perlunya proses recycle and resuse .Guru memberi kata pembayang kotor atau bersih dalam Bahasa Melayu agar  murid dapat menjawab soalan guru dalam Bahasa Inggeris. Sepatutnya ini tidak berlaku dan guru sepatuitnya  dapat menerangkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris.


World  of  Knowledge
Reuse and Recycle
2 Kreatif
10.35 – 11.35 a.m.(60 minutes)
Content Standard
3.2 By  the  end  of  the  6-year  primary  schooling, pupils  will be  able  to  write  using  appropriate  language, form and  style for  a  range  of  purposes.
4.1 By the end of 6-year primary schooling pupils will be able to enjoy and appreciate action songs through performance.
Learning  Standard
3.2.2  Able to write simple sentences with guidance.
4.1.2  Able to enjoy action songs through non-verbal response.
By the end of the lesson,pupils will be able to:
i) spell and say aloud names of  three  things found in three boxes.
ii) read aloud a big sentence strip based on meanings of recycle and reuse.
ii)  name at  least two correct things for  reuse and recycle.
iv) number two pictures correctly according to correct sequence.
v)  rearrange and write at least two correct steps of  recycling cans based on groupwork task.
vi) to sing an action song with correct pronouncation,rythm and intonation.
60  minutes
Teaching  Aids
Sentence Strip(on manila card),picture cards,wordcards,manila cards,
realias of bottles,cans, newspapers,small-cutting sentence strips in envelopes(groupwork task),worksheets(Activity Book: Page 97)
Previous  knowledge
Pupils had a knowledge on recycling cans based on their  earlier  lesson  taught  by  the  teacher.(This lesson is to gather informationsand  refresh  knowledge on recycling  cans)
Curriculum Emphasis
i)Knowledge Acquisition
ii)Moral Values:Appreciate used-things for reuse and recycle
iii)Cross Curriculum Element:Creativity in rewriting steps  for  recycling cans.

Teaching  and  Learning

Set  Induction   (5minutes)
1. Ask pupils of  what topic for the lesson today.
2.Pupils raise hands to tell the topic for the lesson.
3. Shows to pupils of three  boxes on the desks  and asks  pupils to guess what is inside the box.
4. Three pupils come forward  to open the three boxes.
5.Pupils  spell  and  say aloud  three things found in the boxes.

Listen  and  make

Topic of the lesson: reuse and recycle

E.g. plastic bottles, cans,  newspapers

Step 2(10 minutes)

1. Reading Aloud Activity

(A big sentence strip put up on the board contained of meanings of ‘recycle’ and ‘reuse’)

2. Read aloud the meanings of  
recycle and reuse.
Pupils listen and repeat.

3. Teacher explains on how  things are recycled and reused based on the big sentence strip.
E.g. i.From the bottle, we can  reuse it to make a plastic pencil holder.
ii. From the bottle also, we can recycle it  to turn into a new bottle.

4.Asks pupils of why are the things have to be recycled and reused.

Guides pupils on why are the things have to be recycled and reused.
E.g. We have to reuse and recycle to make our environment clean.
We do not want the bottle to be thrown away because it will dirty the environment

Reading Aloud(Repetitions)
Giving cause of recycle and reuse(Teacher guides the
pupils to give cause of recycling and reusing)


E.g. Recycle: We reprocess the  things  into  new  things.
Reuse: We reuse the things to
make other things.

i.From the bottle, we can use it  again to make a plastic pencil holder.

ii. From the bottle also, we can recycle it  to turn into a new bottle.

Guides pupils on why are the things have to be recycled and reused.
E.g. We have to reuse and recycle to make our environment clean.
We do not want the bottle to be thrown away because it will dirty the environment

Step 3(8 minutes)

1. Puts on picture cards one by one on the board.
Asks pupils to name each picture cards. (Selects pupils to give names of things that can be recycled and reused)
2. Selects  three pupils to match wordcards to pictures.
3. Spelling and reading aloud words (class and


Three things can be recycled: plastic
bottles, cans and newspapers.

Step 4(20 minutes)

1.Tells and explains to pupils the task of the groupwork writing activity.

E.g. Allright class, I have five sets of small-cutting sentence strips in my hand.

Your task today is to discuss in groups and rearrange the sentence strips to write steps of recycling cans.

Before you start I will put
up four picture cards for
your guidance

2. Group  leaders come in front  to paste their
manila cards.

3. Each group reads aloud the answers for recycling cans.

4. The pupils number the
pictures for correct steps of recycling cans.

4. Checks groupwork answers on the board
(Teacher guides along)

5.Praises group with the correct answers.

Listening to instructions.

Rearranging sentence
strips to write correct
steps of recycling cans.

Discussing With Pupils

Distributes manila cards and markers
for the groupwork activities.


First,  rinse the empty cans. Then put the cans  into the orange recycling bin.

Next,  a  lorry  collects  the  cans  and
Sends  them  to  the  aluminium  factory.

After  that, workers  put  the  cans  into
a  machine  in  the  factory.

Finally, the machine turns the used cans   into  new  cans.
Step 5 (5 minutes)
(Singing Activity)

1. Pupils sing a song
entitled  ‘If You Love The
2. Pupils hold up the realia of three things which are plastic bottles,cans and newspapers while singing.

    Language Arts


Guides pupils with the actions.

If You Love The Environment (Song)

If you love the environment,recycle.
If you love th environment,recycle.
If youl love the environment and you want the world to know it,
If you love the environment, recycle.
We can make paper bags from newspapers,
We can make paper bags from newspapers.
We can  make paper bags,
We can make paper bags,
We can make paper bags from newspapers.

Step 6(Writing Activity)
        (10 minutes)

1. Distributes worksheets  to  pupils.
2. Explains on the instruction given on top of the exercise.
3. Walks around to check  pupils’ work.


   Observation and

           (Refer to Appendix 1)

Closure( Winding Up)
        (2 minutes)

1.Teacher guides the pupils to make a conclusion on steps of recycling cans.

E.g.  Alright, class, we have  come to the end of our lesson.
Let us review the correct steps for recycling cans.

Altogether, there are four correct steps.I want you to read aloud after me.

First,  rinse the empty cans. Then put the cans into the orange recycling bin.
Next,  a  lorry  collects  the  cans  and sends  them  to  the  aluminium  factory.
I  hope  you  will  enjoy  the lesson for this week,  thank

Reviewing and making conclusion.

First,  rinse the empty cans. Then put the cans  into the orange recycling bin.

Next,  a  lorry  collects  the  cans  and
Sends  them  to  the  aluminium  factory.

After  that, workers  put  the  cans  into
a  machine  in  the  factory.

Finally, the machine turns the used cans   into  new  cans.

Prepared By:  Puan Siti Zuraida Binti Syed Tahir ( D20112053937 )

Sukan ialah salah satu aktiviti riadah. Sebahagian besar kegiatan lapang, surat khabar, dan televisyen diberikan kepada sukan. sukan dapat juga menjadi sumber pendapatan.

Pendekatan pragmatik dalam mendefinisikan sukan ialah dengan melihat kegunaan umum istilah tersebut.

Sukan ialah aktiviti yang mengandungi:
·         Latihan kemahiran berguna secara rekreasi.
·         Peraturan-peraturan tertentu dalam mengejar kecemerlangan.

Kecemerlangan yang dimaksudkan ialah kemampuan untuk mengatasi tanda ukuran (benchmarks) terdahulu, catatan masa, rekod dunia, dan sebagainya.

Contoh-contoh kemahiran yang bertukar kepada sukan ialah:
·  Gladiator di Rom berjuang dan berbunuhan untuk penonton dan bukannya    untuk melindungi empayar Rom.
· Berlayar menjadi salah satu sukan air dan bukannya sebagai  pengangkutan  dan sebagainya.
·  Berlari dilakukan untuk panjang dan tempoh masa tertentu, dan bukannya untuk aktiviti-aktiviti seperti mengejar bas dan sebagainya

Sukan fizikal menggunakan sifat sifat seperti kekuatan, stamina, kelajuan, dan beberapa kemahiran lain manakala sukan-sukan lain contohnya iaitu sukan akal menggunakan kemahiran berfikir seperti pemikiran strategik dalam catur.

Perbezaan antara sukan, permainan, dan latihan. Aktiviti itu dikira sukan jika melibatkan peserta yang berkemahiran. Permainan pula tidak mempunyai tujuan yang jelas tetapi boleh berubah kepada sukan. Latihan pula ialah aktiviti yang bertujuan membina kemahiran dan kemampuan seseorang dalam aktiviti sukan.

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